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Amalga GroupJun 3, 2022 12:00:00 AM1 min read

The US labor shortage continues

Fresh labor data released this week showed that job openings continue to greatly outnumber available workers in the U.S., underscoring the advantages of seeking nearshore talent from countries such as Mexico.

There were 5.46 million more job openings than available workers in the U.S. in April, while another 4.4 million people quit their jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ JOLTS report released this week.

The historically high figures reflect the ongoing “Great Resignation” that has posed unprecedented challenges for businesses across the country struggling to hire the right talent. Companies are having trouble hiring from an increasingly limited pool of workers, fueling wage growth and exacerbating a disparity between labor supply and demand.

Yet for many companies, there is a solution outside the U.S. Mexico, for instance, has a wealth of highly qualified bilingual talent that can provide an array of top-notch services from digital marketing to IT, and from customer service to data entry.

Indeed, companies that are having trouble attracting and retaining staff can reduce their turnover rate through nearshoring — the practice of transferring a business operation to a nearby country. In the services sector, the practice of nearshoring is particularly easy.

Companies don’t have to set up an office to Mexico. Rather, foreign workers can work remotely — an approach that is more feasible since remote work became common during the pandemic. Remote workers from Mexico are especially good at integrating into U.S. companies because they live in the same or a similar time zone, making them more responsive than workers in other parts of the world.

Additionally, given the geographical proximity and strong U.S. corporate presence in Mexico, many workers are familiar with U.S. culture and possess a highly advanced level of English. The country also has top universities that educate highly skilled talent in a wide array of disciplines.

For more information on how to explore filling job openings with talent in Mexico, contact us at


Amalga Group

Amalga is a Nearshore staffing agency with operations in the United States and Mexico. We draft content based on the experiences we want to share with the world. Follow us on LinkedIn and be sure to subscribe!