
Jens Erik Gould, CEO of Amalga Group, on the Rise of Security and Data Privacy in Nearshore Outsourcing

Written by Amalga Group | Jul 16, 2024 5:00:00 AM

Originally published in Finance Digest

In today’s interconnected global business environment, concerns about data security and privacy are at an all-time high. As companies seek to optimize operations, the need for stringent data protection measures has become extremely important. According to Jens Erik Gould, Founder and CEO of Amalga Group, nearshore outsourcing presents a solution to these challenges by offering enhanced control, transparency, and compliance with data protection regulations.

The Evolving Landscape of Data Security and Privacy

As businesses expand their operations globally, the need to protect sensitive information intensifies. Nearshore outsourcing, particularly to countries with strong data protection laws, has emerged as a strategic response to these concerns. “Data security and privacy aren’t just operational issues—they’re strategic priorities for businesses today,” says Jens Erik Gould. “Nearshore outsourcing offers a viable path to safeguard sensitive information while maintaining operational efficiency.”

Strong Data Protection Regulations in Nearshore Locations

Countries in Latin America—such as Mexico, Colombia, and Costa Rica—have established legal frameworks to protect data privacy that mirror and (sometimes exceed) standards found in the United States and Europe. These regulations ensure that outsourced operations adhere to data protection protocols and provide an added layer of security for businesses.

As Jens Erik Gould says, “The regulatory environment in some nearshore locations is designed to protect client data. This commitment to data privacy makes nearshore outsourcing an attractive option for companies looking to mitigate risks.”

For instance, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe set a high bar for data protection globally. Many Latin American countries have also adopted data privacy laws based on European standards. This alignment facilitates smoother operations for businesses looking to expand their outsourcing efforts while remaining compliant with international data protection laws.

Enhanced Control and Transparency

Nearshore outsourcing offers companies the ability to maintain greater control and transparency over operations. In this sense, proximity plays a key role. Nearshore locations, being geographically closer, offer more opportunities for on-site visits, regular audits, and real-time collaboration. This reduces the potential for miscommunication and ensures that security protocols are consistently followed. “

With nearshore outsourcing, companies can achieve a higher level of oversight and engage more directly with their outsourced teams,” says Jens Erik Gould. “This transparency helps companies maintain data integrity and build trust.”

Nearshore outsourcing firms like Jens Erik Gould’s Amalga Group prioritize these aspects by implementing comprehensive security measures and fostering an environment of accountability and transparency. This approach protects private data and enhances the overall efficiency of outsourced operations.

As the demand for secure, efficient outsourcing solutions grows, nearshore outsourcing stands out as a compelling choice for businesses prioritizing data security and privacy. With strong data protection regulations and the advantage of proximity, nearshoring provides a balanced approach to safeguarding sensitive information and achieving operational excellence.